
6 Ways to Educate and Involve Your Kids in Taking Care of Our Earth

By Dana Hall April 15, 2020

Earth is estimated to be 4.543 billion years old (try blowing out all those candles), yet Earth Day didn't start until 1970 and didn't even become Global until 1990. Looks like we're a little behind on celebrating this wonderful planet we live on, which is why I think it's important for not only us to be making changes to benefit our Earth but teach our kids so they grow up doing them.  

In Celebration of Earth Day this year here are some great ways to educate and get kids involved in helping take care of this beautiful place.  Perhaps, even a new project or activity during this pandemic.

1.  Conserve water:  Don't let the faucet run.  It's easy to let the water run when washing dishes or brushing our teeth but it's better to shut if off while doing each of these tasks.  Fill a sink up with water, wash, set aside and rinse all at once.  Get yourself all set-up with your toothbrush and keep the water off until you're ready to rinse your brush and wipe your mouth.  What are other ways you could conserve water?

2.  Conserve energy:  

Turn off the light when leaving a room.   We started teaching Sawyer this pretty early on and to this day he asks to turn off the light when he leaves the bathroom before going to bed or climbs on a chair to reach the kitchen light to turn off and on.  It's a great habit to start now where it becomes something kids won't even think twice about as they get older!  

Unplug electronics when not being used.  Even when an appliance or electronic is powered off but plugged in many still draw energy (this will also save on your electricity bill).

3.  Grow:  Start a small kids garden.  If you can make one in your yard, great.  If not, find some containers to plant a few items.  Get your kids involved in picking out the seeds, planting and watering them.  I'll be honest, I do not have a green thumb, Clifton takes care of our yard and garden but he is constantly getting Sawyer involved.  

4.  Recycle:  We have an area of our house set up for recycling with blue bins we got from Lowes.  You can do something similar and teach your kids how to look for the recycle symbol on items, keeping certain items separate (this might depend on how your recycling center works). 

5. Compost:  Together you can make a homemade compost bin for organic mater that can be broken down and added to the soil.  This will not only reduce waste but can be re-used in your garden to help it grow.

6.  Nature Walks:  Go on a nature walk and bring along a bag to pick up trash while explaining the importance of not throwing trash on the ground. Bring a notebook too and take notes on the flowers, birds, bugs and animals you see!  If you don't have any place nearby you can walk at this time explore your own backyard!

I don't know if you love books as much as my family but reading is another great way to keep the education going all year long, not just on Earth Day! Click here for a list of books Teachers recommend!

I'd love to hear from you what your family does to help take care of our planet - comment below or email me directly (!