
Note From Your Publisher: Working Out

By Dana Hall May 1, 2019

Three weeks ago I stared working out.  Prior to that I hadn't worked out consistently since September of last year and it was a year and a half, maybe more, before that.  The crazy think is I used to work out all the time for 3 years straight.  It was just another part of my day, like brushing my teeth.  

I remember when the shift happened and I stopped working out regularly.  I know I was feeling burned out from it, was craving something different and honestly the thought of possibly getting pregnant signaled my subconscious to think "why bother".  I tried several times before I got pregnant and during to get back to working out consistently but it just didn't happen.  Then after Sawyer arrived all hell broke lose.  Literally.  

My first attempt at working out was 4 months postpartum.  Made it two weeks before stopping.  Finally the end of the summer last year Clifton and I buckled down together and did an at 8 week long home work-out program.  We finished the program and intended to get back to it for a second round but never did.  Personally I was struggling to find time for everything on my plate and the first to go was working out, along with showers and sleep.  

I've been racking my brain for months now on why I can't get back to working out regularly, something that I did consistently for so long and it finally hit me.  I was looking at it all wrong.  

First, I was yet again trying to fit something back into my life the same way I had done pre-motherhood and that just isn't my life anymore (see last weeks note from publisher on this).  I was also getting too caught up in the losing weight aspect, which I feel is a common mistake we all make.  It's easy to get frustrated after 1 week of consistent working out and seeing no physical changes because we all want instant gratification.  That shouldn't be our reason for working out though, or at least our main one.  It should be to get healthy and take care of our body.  Lastly, I was also telling myself that with everything I'm juggling I didn't have time to work out.  That's just an excuse and reality is working out gives you the energy to perform at a higher level.  

Now I know I'm only slightly over three weeks in but I already feel a shift with this new way of thinking.  I no longer feel pressure on myself to work-out, which in turn makes me want to work-out more.  I haven't fought with my closet and actually took a selfie (see below) pre-workout this weekend and was happy with what I saw.  Normally, I would have picked myself apart and criticized this photo.  Followed by a downward spiral of beating myself up, stress eating (cause that makes sense), crying....

So instead I remind myself of these two things:

1.  This body created, carried, nurtured and brought life into this world and I'll be forever grateful to it for that.  I should thank it properly by taking care of it.

2.  Working out not only boosts my confidence but elevates my mood and gives me more energy for all the things - who doesn't want that!

Now I just need to do it consistently long enough to turn it back into a habit so that I don't think about it and just do it.  Did I just figure out where Nike's slogan came from?

What motivates you to get moving consistently?

