
5 Fun Toddler Activities With Your Amazon Prime Box

July 10, 2019

If you’re like me, you get a lot of deliveries from Amazon. Dog food, dish soap, and ALL THE TODDLER THINGS.  This equates to lots, and lots of boxes.  

Here’s a quick list of 5 things you can do to repurpose those boxes AND entertain your child in the process:

1. It’s not a box it’s a CAR RAMP

My son is currently obsessed with all things cars - so needless to say transforming our Amazon box into a ramp for his cars was a huge win. I MEAN LOOK AT THIS THING, IT’S HUGE. And, because I made it, I’ve created my son’s most precious possession and have a huge hand in all these #memories

2. It’s not a box it’s a TUNNEL 

Wow. This is a magical box.  Look how it’s transformed into a magical tunnel! AMAZING! Not to brag, but this is pretty genius. 

3. It’s not a box it’s a TODDLER RAMP

Ok. So this is close to the car ramp, HOWEVER, this version has a toddler climbing up it which makes it TOTALLY NEW. 

4. It’s not a box it’s a ROAD WITH BUMPS

Look, I never said this was a great list. I DID say here are 5 things you can do with you Amazon Prime box and I might have run out of ideas around 2.

5. It’s not a box it’s a STEP STOOL

Yes.  This is a basket and not a box.  But use your imagination.  You could use an Amazon Prime box as a stool and HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?

This post was not sponsored by Amazon Prime.  I wish it was.  

Sarah Adams is an actor, improvisor, filmmaker, twilight zone fanatic, mama, mommy, mom.